Lavendal's Duskwight Delights
The troupe has little interest dealing in gil. They prefer exchanges of deals, bartering, duskwight relics, favors, items of power.
Rock Candies
Drugs made in the form of rock candies, in various flavors. They can be consumed as is, or crushed to a powder that can be used for drinks, added to a smoke, or snorted if one wishes to chase a head rush. Possible benefits and side effects are listed for each drug (used at the player's discretion).Doses: One crystal to get normal effects, two to make it more intense/heavier. Three crystals will cause the 'Overdose Effect' listed at the bottom of each drug. More than that can approach lethal territory.

Assorted Pack
Contains a number of each of the desired drugs, either all or any requested mix. Optionally, roll a d5 and let the fates decide which is pulled out to enjoy.
The hum from this crystal reverberates through the imbiber of it, as if a vibrating energy of soundwaves is transferred to lips and body.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
Tingling Sensation | Paranoia |
Alertness | Anxiety |
Adrenaline | Temporary Numbness |
Enhanced Senses |
Overdose Effect: Hypersensitivity to stimuli
The deep, spreading warmth of being serenaded by a love song in crystal form. The world feels brighter, connections made in a favorable light.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
Drawn to Others | Sense of Loneliness |
A Spreading Warmth | Prone to Suggestion |
Content | |
Easily Captivated |
Overdose Effect: Passion and unbridled rage, particularly useful in spurring one into greater action within battle
Imbibing this candy crystal imbues a beat to bounce within. To resist the urge to dance the day away would be difficult, a catchy tune different in the mind of each soul who partakes.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
Easily Entertained | Difficulty Sensing Danger |
Captivated by Music | Depression |
Happiness | Insomnia |
Energetic |
Overdose Effect: Mania and disassociation with reality
A lullaby that pulls one into a world of waking dreams, the wonderment limited only by one's imagination.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
Vivid Hallucinations | Disassociation |
Wonderment | Speaking in Poetry |
Tasting Colors | Drowsiness |
Overdose Effect: Unconsciousness, forced sleep
The white noise of the crystal selection, muting the realm that it melts away.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
Loss of Worries | Loss of Motor Function |
No Thoughts, Brain Empty | Difficulty Speaking |
Overdose Effect: Paralysis
Dealer Goods
To be traded with dealers typically, for them to create their own products.

Dream Flowers
A base component for Somnus production, this strain bred to thrive when grown underground.
Crimson Moko
An herb that makes the world feel heavier and concerns melt away. Like the dream flowers, bred to be grown underground.
Morpho Wings
Typically used in the crafting of potions that affect aether regeneration. Can either enhance or stop the flow of aether depending on how it is used, with the potential to be a potent poison that is not easily treated with aether.
Paradise Mushrooms
Potent mushrooms grown within the morpho den, with hallucinogenic properties typically too strong to be imbibed on their own.
Power Runes
Meant to be for a one time use boost of power, the effect depending on the craft of the rune and element associated. Unless the rune is made to order, roll a d20 for a random effect listed under the relevant element below.Forms: Runic gems (alone or cast in jewelry), scrolls, or pomanders

If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Fissure: A large crack in the earth is opened beneath the target
5-10 Boulder: A large rock is launched at the target
11-15 Stoneskin: The user's flesh is hardened, absorbing the next physical blow in the next ten minutes
16-20 Crystal Prison: A crystal formation rapidly forms around the target, attempting to restrain them
If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Inferno: A vortex of spinning fire is created around the target
5-10 Whip: Stream of fire lashes out at the target
11-15 Detonation: An explosion is triggered at the target location
16-20 Burning Hands: The user's hands become super-heated, allowing them to do something such as cauterizing wounds or potentially warping metal
If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Ice Spikes: Several spikes of ice are sent as a projectile towards the target
5-10 Blizzard: A vicious blizzard is summoned to reduce visibility and chill the area to below freezing temperatures temporarily
11-15 Create Ice: A structure of ice is summoned, such as to create a wall or bridge, no longer than 10 yalms (yards/meters) in any direction that lasts no longer than 10 minutes
16-20 Freezing Breath: The user breaths out a breath of frigid air, freezing inanimate objects it comes into contact with and potentially damaging organics with frostbite
If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Cure: Water surrounds the targeted wound and floods it with healing energy
5-10 Geyser: A torrent of water shoots at the target to push them back, perhaps with some waterboarding included
11-15 Bubble: An orb of water forms around the target to begin to drown and make their movement difficult
16-20 Tentacles of the Deep: Tendrils of water are summoned to attempt to grapple, trip, or block depending on need, their command versatile
If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Lightning Strike: Levin is called from the air above to strike down onto the opponent
5-10 Shock: Overload the opponent to paralyze them
11-15 Aether Disruption: Makes channeling for an opponent difficult, their aether afflicted with levin
16-20 Brain Fried: Fogs the memory of the target of the last 30 minutes, potentially causing them to forget recent events entirely
If a generic rune is used, roll on the below table for an effect. Alternative runes are able to be crafted per request.
1-5 Backwind: Increases the speed of the user
5-10 Slicing Winds: Blades of wind are launched at the opponent
11-15 Gust: Creates a strong wind for up to 10 minutes, potentially disruption projectiles or giving sudden wind to sails or whatever other use the user desires
16-20 Vortex: Summons a small tornado around the opponent to catch them in a funnel and shoot them out the top, into the air
Rituals of the Deep
Have a problem that requires assistance outside of traditional means? Several within the troupe are skilled in what many would consider dark magics and rituals that utilize it. There are no 'standard' fixes, as each problem requires unique fixes and research. Specialties lie in curses, corruptions, aether manipulation, and warding.

The Troupe